Kamis, 21 Maret 2024

Text Flood

 Assalamualaikum Wr Wb

I will tell you about my experience during yesterday's flood.Let me introduce myself, my name is Ilyas Saputra from the tenth class of building design

    One day, heavy rain without stopping for three days caused gutters and rivers to overflow. The overflowing water first flooded residents' houses and even the main roads.

    People tried to save themselves and their valuables, they fled to higher ground. Even though it was already flooded, the rain continued to fall, last Wednesday I decided to go to school because the flood was not serious enough.

    When I arrived at the school, only 14 students had entered out of 36 students. At school my friends and I were working on building drawing assignments. All students go home at 14.45 because of the month of Ramadan. When I got home it was still raining which caused the flooding to get worse/higher but thank God my house didn't get any water.

    On Thursday the weather was very cold and conditions made it impossible for me to go to school, then a few minutes later there was news that schools were closed/PJJ (distance learning). On Friday the flood had not receded but several of my friends continued. left and the school sent the students home and learning was carried out online

Thanks for reading my blog

Jumat, 01 Maret 2024

Text Recaunt


Here I will convey the meaning of Recount text . Let me introduce myself, my name is Ilyas Saputra from the tenth class of building design

1.Sosial funcion

(Untuk menceritakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi kepada pembaca berdasarkan kronologis)

2.Text  structure


•>Tells who,what,when,where of the experience to help the reader place to events in the and place

-Sequence of events

•>Events are described in the sequence in which they occurred

•>Paragraphs have lead sentences that provide more details to follow the opening paragraph


•>A closing statement to sum up events to show the importance or significance

3.Laquage features


-Trantion word

Type of a Recaunt 






           My Experience Shopping on TIK


    Last friday,my friends and i visited the bazaar which is located opposite TIK (Taman Indonesia Kaya) to buy food and drinks there 

Sequence of events:

    My friends and I headed to TIK (Taman Indonesia Kaya) which is about 155m from my school location.when I arrived at TIK (Taman Indonesia Kaya) my friends and i went straight to the bazaar there

    After arriving at the bazaar,i went around and saw the seller who was making pukis cake which smelled very good,then i invited my friend to buy the pukis cake.After that invited my friend again to wonder around

    Then we found a thai tea seller,then we stopped to buy.After buying drinks,my friends and i returned to TIK (Taman Indonesia Kaya) as a meeting point' before heading to the bazaar


    After everyone gathered at TIK (Taman Indonesia Kaya), we ate together with the food and drinks we had bought earlier. Exactly at 09.45 my friends and I decided to go back to school.

Thank you for reading my blog


Minggu, 28 Januari 2024

Teks Descriptive

Hi everybody

Here I will convey the meaning of descriptive text. Let me introduce myself, my name is Ilyas Saputra from the tenth class of building design

What is descriptive text?

Teks deskripsi adalah teks yang menggambarkan / menjelaskan sebuah objek (mahluk hidup,tempat,suasana) secara rinci

1.Teks structure


Bagian awal dari teks deskripsi yang berisi pengenalan objek atau penggambaran umum lainnya tentang objek yang dideskripsikan


Pencemaran lingkungan adalah masalah global yang timbul akibat pelepasan zat-zat berbahaya ke dalam udara, air, dan tanah oleh aktivitas manusia. 

-Description (1,2,3 paragraf)

Deskripsi yaitu penjelasan / pemaparan / penggambaran tentang objek secara terperinci 


Dampaknya termasuk kerusakan ekosistem, hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati, perubahan iklim, dan masalah kesehatan manusia seperti penyakit pernapasan, kanker, dan gangguan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu, pencemaran lingkungan juga merugikan sektor ekonomi, seperti menurunkan produktivitas pertanian, mengganggu sektor pariwisata, dan meningkatkan biaya perawatan kesehatan.

-Conclusion  (opsional)

Merupakan kesimpulan / penyelesaian dalam sebuah teks 


Solusi untuk mengatasi pencemaran lingkungan melibatkan tindakan pencegahan, pengelolaan limbah yang lebih baik, pengembangan teknologi bersih, serta kesadaran dan tindakan kolektif untuk menjaga keberlanjutan lingkungan bagi generasi mendatang.

2.Social function 

Fungsi teks deskripsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari


-missing people

-Looking for criminals

-Natural disasters

-Dangerous object warning

-Describe the animals at the zoo

3.Language compenent

a)Sentence structure

Susunan standar kaliamat dalam bahasa inggris/ lebih dikenal SVOMPT




MPT=Averb of manners,of place,of time

b) Subject and Object ←naon

Kata benda dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu real dan abstrak



-Boys in my school


-This brotherhood is so pretty

Thank you for reading my blog

Kamis, 23 November 2023

Learning Speaking Grade X:Presentasi ABAS

 Hi.. every body

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ilyas Saputra number 19 class X DPIB 1

Today i prepare my self by doing a presentation for asesmen bersama akhir semester (ABAS)

I tell about my experience driving learning English with Bu Yuni first i tell about dialogues then what i feel when learning

This is the link for my presentation:


Kamis, 16 November 2023

Dialog English (TAXI)

 Hello everyone,In this blog, my friend named Didit and I will practice a dialogue about a taxi.

lan King has just arrived in Atlanta.

lan King: Taxi!

Cab Driver: Hi, mister. Where to?

lan: The Sheraton, please.

Driver: Which one? There are three Sheratons here in Atlanta.

lan: Oh, sorry. The Sheraton Century Center.

Driver: OK. Are you here on business or on vacation?

lan: On business.

Driver: Right. Hey, where are you from?

lan: England.

Driver: England? Which part?

lan: Winchester. Do you know it?

Driver: No. But I was in London last year. Great country.

lan: Thanks.

Driver: Well, here we are. This is the Sheraton Century Center. That's $16.80.

lan: Thank you. Keep the change.

Driver: Hey, mister! This is a five dollar bill!

lan: Sorry. I thought it was a twenty. There you go.

Driver: Thanks. Have a good stay

In this dialogue I felt lacking in intonation and fluency, but I am satisfied with the current results and it will be even better in the future

Thank you

Link vidio 1 (Didit)


Link vidio 2 (Ilyas)


Rabu, 15 November 2023

Buy food and drinks at TIK

Hi everyone i Will tell you about my experience in practicing english 

On Friday, November 3, I went to TIK to interview the Zupa Zup seller and the Thai tea seller. After we interviewed and bought the product, our group then review.My experience when doing this activity was very enjoyable 

Thank you for reading my blog 

Link vidio


Text Flood

 Assalamualaikum Wr Wb I will tell you about my experience during yesterday's flood.Let me introduce myself, my name is Ilyas Saputra fr...